Showing 176 - 200 of 217 Results
Ruses de Guerre de Polyen... by Polyaenus, Sextus Julius Fr... ISBN: 9780341385301 List Price: $17.95
The Two Books On the Water Supply of the City of Rome of Sextus Julius Frontinus: Water Comm... by Herschel, Clemens, Clemens ... ISBN: 9781375688703 List Price: $17.95
The Two Books On the Water Supply of the City of Rome of Sextus Julius Frontinus, Water Comm... by Herschel, Clemens, Clemens ... ISBN: 9781375451369 List Price: $17.95
Strategematicon: Or, Greek and Roman Anecdotes, Concerning Military Policy and the Science o... by Frontinus, Sextus Julius, S... ISBN: 9781375470216 List Price: $13.52
The Two Books On the Water Supply of the City of Rome of Sextus Julius Frontinus: Water Comm... by Herschel, Clemens, Clemens ... ISBN: 9781375486019 List Price: $17.95
Strategematicon Libri Quattuor: Ejusdem De Aquae Ductibus Urbis Romae Liber (Classic Reprint... by Frontinus, Sextus Julius, S... ISBN: 9780282745660 List Price: $9.97
Strategematicon, or Greek and Roman Anecdotes, Concerning Military Policy, and the Science o... by Frontinus, Sextus Julius ISBN: 9780282509637 List Price: $13.57
The Two Books on the Water Supply of the City of Rome of Sextus Julius Frontinus: Water Comm... by Clemens Herschel, Sextus Ju... ISBN: 9780342293292 List Price: $17.95
The Two Books on the Water Supply of the City of Rome of Sextus Julius Frontinus: Water Comm... by Clemens Herschel, Sextus Ju... ISBN: 9780342293308 List Price: $27.95
S. Julii Frontini Libri Quatuor Strategematicon : Cum Notis Integris (Classic Reprint) by Frontinus, Sextus Julius ISBN: 9781390892239 List Price: $23.57
Stratag�mes : Aqueducs de la Ville de Rome by Frontinus, Sextus Julius ISBN: 9780270578485 List Price: $29.95
Stratag�mes : Aqueducs de la Ville de Rome by Frontinus, Sextus Julius ISBN: 9780270578478 List Price: $20.95
Sex. Julii Frontini de Aquae Ductibus Urbis Romae Liber, Vol. 1 : Ad Codicum Mss. et Vetusti... by Frontinus, Sextus Julius ISBN: 9780366332373 List Price: $31.32
Celse, Vitruve, Censorin (Oeuvres Compl�tes), Frontin (des Aqueducs de Rome) : Avec la Tradu... by Nisard, D�sir�, Pollio, Vit... ISBN: 9780270854268 List Price: $33.95
Celse, Vitruve, Censorin (Oeuvres Compl�tes), Frontin (des Aqueducs de Rome) : Avec la Tradu... by Nisard, D�sir�, Pollio, Vit... ISBN: 9780270854251 List Price: $24.95
Two Books on the Water Supply of the City of Rome of Sextus Julius Frontinus : Water Commiss... by Herschel, Clemens, Frontinu... ISBN: 9780343792336 List Price: $29.95
Strategematicon : Or, Greek and Roman Anecdotes, Concerning Military Policy and the Science ... by Frontinus, Sextus Julius, S... ISBN: 9780343761363 List Price: $44.95
Polyen et Frontin : Stratag�mes de Frontin by Frontinus, Sextus Julius, P... ISBN: 9780274139118 List Price: $15.95
Iuli Frontini Strategematon Libri Quattuor (Classic Reprint) by Frontinus, Sextus Julius ISBN: 9780282594626 List Price: $10.57
The Two Books on the Water Supply of the City of Rome of Sextus Julius Frontinus, Water Comm... by Clemens Herschel, Sextus Ju... ISBN: 9780341745501 List Price: $17.95
The Two Books on the Water Supply of the City of Rome of Sextus Julius Frontinus, Water Comm... by Clemens Herschel, Sextus Ju... ISBN: 9780341745518 List Price: $27.95
The Two Books on the Water Supply of the City of Rome of Sextus Julius Frontinus: Water Comm... by Clemens Herschel, Sextus Ju... ISBN: 9780341834625 List Price: $17.95
The Two Books on the Water Supply of the City of Rome of Sextus Julius Frontinus: Water Comm... by Clemens Herschel, Sextus Ju... ISBN: 9780341834632 List Price: $27.95
Sexti Julii Frontini : Stratagematic[oe] Sive de Solertibus Ducum Factis et Dictis Libri Qua... by Frontinus, Sextus Julius ISBN: 9781010996392 List Price: $14.95
Two Books on the Water Supply of the City of Rome of Sextus Julius Frontinus : Water Commiss... by Frontinus, Sextus Julius ISBN: 9781011497614 List Price: $17.95
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